Yes, I do.

Typical title. Come back again :) Assalamualaikum. Can I start now? Tak perlu kot berkias. I miss this blog <3 Aku pun rasa benda tu buang masa. And now, I want to ask all of you, can you girl imagine, orang yang kau "still" sayang and orangtu macam bagi harapan dekat kau, ada oranglain? Hell yeaa! Definitely NO! Thats why, I'm so scared with that scary question. I can't imagine how I could handle this feelings. Yes, luar nampak macam leklek je. Weh! Tu semua acah acah ar tapi menangis dalam selimut, seriously! Aku takut bila nak tanye dia, "Are you enjoy with your life now?" "Do she treat you well?" That kind of questions can shoot me anytime. Yea be strong dear self :) Bukan nak jadi penyibuk. Langsung takda niat. May be that  is part of me. Mungkin aku kene sibuk baru aku rasa macam "ohh orang tak perlukan aku, so biarlah" It doesn't mean I forget about you but when I ask for your help, thats mean I need you bukan at that time baru aku teringat kau. For example, one day, aku TERtanya "takda orang baru ke?" Then dia jawab, "yes, i do. We're getting marry soon." Okay bye! Seriously, time tu akan ternganga and senyum. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Tak dapat nak sambung dah. Tergantung. Yes, I do miss you :) Forgive me.